Spring In-class Term Project

Project Topic

*Pick a topic to study:
  • Pre-Colombian America to the American Colonies
  • Colonial Era
  • The American Revolution
  • The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
  • Manifest Destiny and the Westward Expansion
  • The Civil War
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • The Spanish-American War
  • World War I
  • The Great Depression
  • World War II
  • The Korean War
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Vietnam War
*Project to do (choose one):
  • PowerPoint presentation with at least 15 slides and voice-over
  • 10-minute video documentary
  • board game with rules, process, and troubleshooting guide about the topic
  • website
  • play (5 minutes)
  • song ( 4 minutes)
  • Submit project on May 29, 2019
  • all projects must have a bibliography with at least 5 sources
  • all projects must have a 1-page double-spaced summary
  • all projects must be creative
Period 1
Group (Partner)
Samantha and David
World War II
Anaiya and Shayanne
Civil Rights Movement
PowerPoint with voice-over
Alejandro and Hasan
The Great Depression
PowerPoint with voice-over
Makayla and Nancy
Pre-Colombian America to the colonies
board game
Javiel and Ethan
World War I
board game
Jaylen and Valeria
The Vietnam War
board game
Elizabeth and Cristina
The Korean War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Veronica and Erika
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
PowerPoint with voice-over
Josh G and Josh
Manifest Destiny
board game
Steven and Adesina
Spanish-American War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Sofia and Alejandro C
Industrial Revolution
board game
Nicolas and William
American Revolution
board game
Mexican-American War
PowerPoint with voice-over
The Civil War
PowerPoint with voice-over

Period 3
Group (Partner)
Gaby and Dayanna
The American Revolution
PowerPoint with voice-over (video)
Maria and Samantha
The Civil Rights Movement
PowerPoint with voice-over
Lilian and Destiny
The Spanish American War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Tomas and Elija E.
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
Mark and Alani
World War II
Alex and Tyvonne
Vietnam War
Website (video)
Nathan and Antonio
pre-Colombian America and the Colonies
board game
Emani and Alejandro
The Civil War
video documentary
Shannel and Jose
World War I
Andrea and Santiago
Manifest Destiny and the Westward Expansion
board game
Elijah C. and Sebastian
The Great Depression
PowerPoint with voice-over
David and Natalie


Period 4
Group (Partner)
Zamaria and Karen
The American Revolution
board game
Sierra, Sarah, and Mia
The Civil War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Anfernee and Nevaeh
World War I
boar game
Fiona and Daniella
Spanish American War
board game
Hector and Joseph
World War II
PowerPoint with voice-over (board game)
Jorge and Mateus
The Vietnam War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Makai and Nathalie
The Korean War
board game
Vicky and Aurelie
The Great Depression
PowerPoint with voice-over
Tony and Leonardo
The Civil Rights Movement
board game
Felipe and Ethan
The Industrial Revolution
PowerPoint with voice-over
Caescare and Jennifer
Colonial Era
PowerPoint with voice-over

Period 5
Group (Partner)
Nick and Aysia
The Civil War
Nathaly and Richard
The Korean War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Hannah and Jaden
The American Revolution
PowerPoint with voice-over
Synai and Brett
World War II
PowerPoint with voice-over
Tasiana and Hayden
The Civil Rights Movement
Angelique and Jonathan
The Vietnam War
Nataliah and Kyra
The Great Depression
PowerPoint with voice-over
Alex and Zoe
World War I
AJ and Aviana
The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
Josh and Dayne
The Industrial Revolution
PowerPoint with voice-over
Brandon and David
Colonial Era

Period 6
Group (Partner)
Tyler and Isaac
The American Revolution
PowerPoint with voice-over
Nicolai and Penelope
The Great Depression
PowerPoint with voice-over
Gaethan and Valtiera
The Civil War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Alexyss and Gregory
The Korean War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Dylan and Marcus
The Vietnam War
PowerPoint with voice-over
Ashley and Andrea
World War II
PowerPoint with voice-over
Victor and Jenna
World War I
PowerPoint with voice-over
Isis, Tiziano, and Sebastian
Spanish-American War
PowerPoint with voice-over